The Brandy Show...

The Brandy Show - Coversations with...Mark Snyder

Episode Summary

The author of “Mountaintop: The Inside Story of Michigan's 1997 National Title” Mark Snyder talks about the research and hard work that went into writing this best selling book about Michigan Football's 1997 National Football Title.

Episode Notes

        As you enjoy the 2024 Michigan Football season, and revel in the memory of the 2023 National Championship team, don't forget that in 1997, Michigan  was also atop the college football world with a national title authored by Coach Lloyd Carr and a group of Wolverines who would settle for nothing less than perfection.  Newspaper reporter Mark Snyder was in the middle of that run as the beat reporter for Michigan at one of the Detroit newspapers.  Some 20 years after the title, Mark teamed up with fellow writer Nick Baumgardner to tell the definitive story of this great football team. The interesting part of this book is that the story started well before the 1997 season. Mark and Nick take your from the beginning to the end of a season to remember. This book dovetails perfectly with the 2023 National title orchestrated by Jim Harbaugh and his Michigan team. In many way, the tradition  of Michigan football is evident and so very understandable when you read "Mountaintop: The Inside Story of Michigan 1997 National Title." 

    But, instead of me writing about the twists and turns of that Michigan Team. Instead of me telling you about the stories that didn't make the headlines, I'll let the author tell you the real "INSIDE" story in my conversation with...Mark Snyder